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Johan Landström

Weekly Round-Up 16 – 20 May – 22

In the “Weekly Round-Up” we summarise and give extra reading suggestions for some of the past weeks financial crime news headlines, powered by Acuminor’s crime universe ThreatView® .

Another week at Acuminor has passed, and here are some of the highlights from the past spring week. We have a great new partnership with Change Gap.

On the news front, starting back in the week with some updates from law enforcement. Interpol has concluded its regional conference focusing on security concerns in Europe.

Interpol – Security concerns in Europe focus of INTERPOL Regional Conference

Europol has supported Dutch and German police to nab individuals that have been involved in a string of attacks targeting ATMs, stealing over EUR 958 000 in cash.

Europol – Three arrested in the Netherlands for ATM explosion spree in Germany

From InSight Crime comes a discussion on five significant takeaways from the latest report from Europol and EMCDDA on the EU drug markets.

Insight Crime – Super Labs and Master Chefs – The Changing Face of Europe’s Drug Trade

To end this round-up, dive into the latest update from the Tax Justice Network and their flagship product, the financial secrecy index 2022. To quote Tax Justice Network, “Financial secrecy facilitates tax abuse, enables money laundering and undermines the human rights of all.” Shining a light on the biggest suppliers of financial secrecy is imperative to identify gaps and risks associated with non-transparent regions.

Tax Justice Network – FINANCIAL SECRECY INDEX 2022