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Johan Landström

Weekly round-up, 17 September 2021

In the “Weekly Round-Up” we summarise and give extra reading suggestions for some of the past weeks financial crime news headlines, powered by Acuminor’s crime universe ThreatView®.

As usual, around this time of the year, there is mass media coverage of the terror attack on 9/11 2001. On 9/11 this year FBI released a newly declassified document on the investigation into connections between Saudi Arabia and the terrorists. It is still a heavily redacted document, but anyone who would like to look into it can visit the FBI webpage below.

FBI Records: The Vault – 9/11 Attacks Investigation and Related Materials

Interpol has conducted a new SOGA operation. SOGA is short for Soccer-Gambling and aims to close illegal gambling dens and syndicates connected to corruption, money laundering, and match-fixing. The SOGA VIII operation led to the arrest of 1400 suspects and seized $7.9 million in cash. Overall, the SOGA operations have led to more than 19100 arrests, confiscating more than $ 63 million in cash, and shut down more the 4000 illegal gambling dens.

Illegal gambling: Operation SOGA VIII leads to 1,400 arrests

The Basel Institute of Governance has released the 10th annual edition of its AML index. The edition highlights the need for prevention mechanisms, transparency of beneficial ownership. Sectors outside the financial industry, designated non-financial businesses and professions non-financial entities (DNFBPs), lawyers, accountants, and real estate agents have, in general, a weak application of anti-money laundering measures. They need to increase their effort also have more supervision. It also highlights the need to increase resilience from threats connected to virtual assets.

Basel AML Index 2021: 4 things holding back the global fight against money laundering

Another index that will soon come to light is from the Global Initiative. They have had a two-year project in creating the Global Organized crime index that evaluates levels of crime and resilience in all the 193 UN member states. It will launch on September 28th. You can read more on it below.

The Global Organized Crime Index 2021 and OCINDEX