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Johan Landström

Weekly Round-Up, 24 – 28 January – 22

In the “Weekly Round-Up” we summarise and give extra reading suggestions for some of the past weeks financial crime news headlines, powered by Acuminor’s crime universe ThreatView® .

January is ending, and we are in the midst of winter, which is a very dark period. So here are some findings from the past week that can cheer you up over the weekend.

But to start, I must shout out that we are hiring! We need new excellent colleges to join our Development, Intelligence, Marketing and Sales departments. So, is anyone curious about the positions or know of a friend who might be interested, welcome to head over to our LinkedIn .

There are quite a few articles regarding Crypto laundering. Let’s start with Europol, who just released their report “Cryptocurrencies: tracing the evolution of criminal finances”, which tackles and debunks several myths regarding criminal finances in Crypto.

Europol – The Digital Gold Rush? Debunking common myths on the criminal use of cryptocurrencies

The Blockchain analysis company ‘Chainalysis’ is ramping up to release their yearly Crypto crime report due in February and release nuggets of information to press outlets with exciting findings.

Reuters – Crypto money laundering rises 30% in 2021 -Chainalysis

Also from Reuters, a story on “say something, do something completely different”. A report on how the large Crypto exchange Binance stated they were due to increase their compliance efforts but instead did something else, an interesting read.

Reuters – Crypto giant Binance kept weak money-laundering checks even as it promised tougher compliance, documents show

Transparency International has released its highlights and insights into the Corruption index 2021 and many other stories. So, there is plenty to satisfy your thirst for information over the weekend. Head over to Transparency International if you want to dig into the state of Corruption 2021.

Transparency International – CPI 2021: Highlights and insights; 180 countries. 180 scores. How does your country measure up?